A Walk in the Park06/05/2009

Last week wasn't near as hot as this week, so Toby and I walked to town to get our jerky making supplies. Well, she ran I chased is more like it.

She remembered to breifly stop at the stop sign for me to catch up before she went tearing down the road again. Yes, I actually do live on Hunter Lane. And my husband got the house without me even seeing it when we moved here for his job, and he didn't even notice what street it was on until I pointed it out.

"I'm HUUUUNGY" she cries as we walk on past. She is easily sidetracked, and she had just ate before we left.

OH! Now I'm sidetracked! Three of my favorite things all on one sign! Maybe this town isn't so bad after all?

Doesn't she look so calm and peaceful? Ya, that's all part of her demonic charm. We had just left the outdoor store, where she was SUPPOSED to be holding my hand, but tricked me into letting go for a spit second because she had an owie to show me. The owie was non-existent, but it was just the break she need to make a run for it. As she darted in between racks of camo I was almost distracted from the chase, but then she whizzed down the fishing aisle and got my attention back on her when a whole display of fishing lures came crashing down. She then stopped and said "Sordy mommy." and actually stood perfectly still while I cleaned up and organized the entire display and the women behind the counter gave us her usual Toby-is-in-the-store-and-I am-not-happy face. I am well accustomed to that face. I get it from the hardware man, the Feilds lady, the chinese restaurant, and especially at the movie rental store. That place is the worst becasue she runs down the aisles running her had along the shelves, with movies flying every direction behind her. She always reminds me of Taz from the Bugs Bunny and Tweety show.I am forever apologizing and cleaning up messes everywhere we go. I put her on one of those kid leashes once, but that was almost as embarrasing. She thought it was a game we were playing so she crawled around and barked at everyone. She is definitly a handful. Makes me want a nap just writing about her!

The poor little girl was all wore out from her "episode" in the store, so I had to piggy back her all the way home as usual. It will definitly get me in shape, packing 45lbs on my back and hiking up hill. And maybe, just maybe, I will get to tag along on one of those hunting trips my brother and dad always go on since I should be able to keep up, hey dad?
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