First, take a large Zip-loc baggie and a small Zip-loc baggie. (Don't cheap out and buy no-name or disaster could strike. You will see why in a moment.) Into that baggie, dump 1/2 cup of milk (or cream, if your like me and have complete disregard for calorie or fat content) 1 tbsp of sugar, and 1/2 tsp of vanilla. At the point the picture was taken, Toby was quite dissapointed in her bag of milk, and wondering when the ice cream that everyone was talking about was coming.

Next, take the large Zip-loc bag and add ice and icecream salt. Put the small zip-loc bag inside, still sealed. (Ellie-May was just pouring her milk mixture into the ice and salt when I happen to notice and stop her. Crisis averted.)

Now, SHAKE! Keep shaking until the milk turns to ice cream. I don't like to be a hater, but no-name baggies just don't take the abuse that the brand name ones do. It only takes a few minutes of shaking, but it's a rough few minutes. I was a complete non-beleiver at this point, and by the look on Toby's face, she was too.

And voila! Dont let the fact that we are at a different location make you skeptical. There weren't enough spoons for everyone at the park, so I used that excuse to make a quick getaway without 3-yr-old-leaving-the-park-drama. It was so good! I was really surpised that it worked (the ice cream, not the getaway, but that was pretty slick too) let alone tasted good. We can't wait to make more!
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